Monday 17 April 2017

a few hours off over the Easter weekend

I did have to work through the Easter weekend, to make up for the days 'lost' at Sacha Lodge, but still found the time to rush downstairs on Friday evening when the Easter parade went past my building.  For over an hour there were marching bands and biblical characters passing slowly by. As an atheist I struggled with some of the references - why did the bands keep playing "Abide with Me"?  Isn't that the FA Cup Final song?  & why the creepy Ku Klux Klan style costumes (with the tall pointy head coverings)?  But it was interesting to see the effort put in, not just to the fancy costumes and the big floats, but also in the people who walked along the road barefoot in various roles.  I'm not sure how heavy these crosses were either:

Then I also took Sunday morning off to get a little exercise by walking up Cerro Ancon, a big hill in Panama City with various historical connotations as well as some nice views from the top.  I can just see it if I look to the right from my balcony, but had not yet made the effort to walk up it in my four years' living here, and I must say now I'm in the final year of my contract I've become even more aware of the things I haven't yet done and places I haven't yet visited.

It was a bit of a slog in the humidity, and the views were hazy - again because of the humidity. But it was worth it not just for the exercise and the 'tick' on the To Do List, but also for this great caterpillar I found up the top.  The size of my index finger and quite beautiful, although I resisted the strong temptation to put it on my hand as it almost certainly had stinging or at least irritating hairs along its body.

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