Tuesday 14 April 2015

crossing cultures

In my travels I like to visit places where the culture is not too corrupted by foreign influences.  But on the other hand I do enjoy that strange mixing of cultures that I sometimes find myself in.

I Bolivia, I sat one afternoon in Café London on the shore of Lake Titicaca, drinking a cappuccino, trying to read the next chapter of the Koran (prompted by the growth of IS and its affiliates I thought it important to know something of what drives them), Bolivian radio playing James Brown's "Get On Up (Like a Sex Machine)"... I looked up when I heard a ringing sound only to see an Aymara woman, in her traditional dress, walk past pushing a mobile ice cream trolley.  An equally strange combination to me was this seemingly middle class house and car, with four llamas in the garden:

At the same time I very much enjoyed my experience in a cool underground bar in La Paz, when an Aymara woman joined us.  She accepted a glass of whatever strange brew we were drinking, but poured a small drop onto the floor - for Pachamama (mother earth) - before drinking herself, then proceeded to ask me about typical society in the UK, seemingly with genuine interest.  A magical evening

1 comment:

  1. So how is your reading of the Q'uran going? Have you got to the parts about slavery of Kuffar being completely acceptable in Islam? That if you are not muslim then you have to pay a tax for your lack of faith? That death is the punishment for homosexuality? What do you think about the "religion of peace" so far?
